Sunday, February 20, 2011

Second Scholarly Source-Muslim Woman

German, L. (2008). Women and the war on terror. Feminist Review, (88), 140-149. Retrieved from
Woman at times of war often endure more burden than males. This document explores woman's roles and ways of life at time of war. It compares other wars in other countries such as World War 2 to what is going on in Iraq today. It talks about the reasoning’s behind wearing hijab and headscarf’s, and how the lives of woman have drastically diminished since American occupation.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Scholarly Source Summary of Muslim Woman

Iraq's new constitution allows all poeple to be seen as equal before the law reguardless of sex. This is a change for Muslim and Iraqi woman who were previously under Saddam's regiem.  They are also reinterperting the rules of Sharia. Woman's rights are crutial to creating a democratic society. There are many decisions that have to be made in order to create a successful new Iraq. -"Woman, Islam, and the New Iraq" Colmon,Isobel.

This all affects Riverbend because she is a Muslim woman who is dealing with all the changes and is most affected by the changes reguarding the new Iraq and the rights of woman. She is uncertian how her life will be after this. Democracy will eventually be a good thing for woman in Iraq, once they get it all sorted out.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Potential Thesis Statements

1.) Riverbend explores the affects of change and how the people of her country are dealing with the new life they are living in, post U.S. occupation.

2.) Baghdad Burning shows how the roles of woman in society are decreased and how the Iraqi woman are greatly oppressed by the situation they are forced to currently live in.

3.) Violencce is a major theme in Riverbends's blog and how the people of her courty and herself have learned to live and deal with the violence that goes on around them everyday.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Life Under Sadam

Saddam Hussein's regime has been the Iraqis biggest threat for the past 20 years. Saddam would use any opportunity to kill the people of his country in order to exercise his power and show just how much authority he had. As a ruler, Saddam killed, tortured, raped, and terrorized millions of people.  Almost all Iraqis except for those who were his extremist followers, feared him and were terrified of living under his rule. Over the past five years, 400,000 Iraqi children under the age of five died of malnutrition and disease due tro the nature of the regime they were living under. He would conduct multple chemical attacks which resulted in the deaths of over 30,000 innocent Iraqis.